Upcoming Events

At Border Buddies, we are always trying to find ways to engage our community and educate them on how we can support the people we serve.  Consider attending one of these events.
All About Us

learn about our mission

Border Buddies operates as a faith foundation based on biblical principles.
Join our community of volunteers to support the ongoing activities and outreach efforts.
To help the Honduran people to know the love of God.
The leadership of this ministry has a passion to serve.
Border Buddies News & Information

From Our Blog

What We Are Doing ?

Learn new skills by helping build communities and relationships with people around the world. No required language or construction skills, just willing people.
Medical mission trips provide short-term volunteer opportunities abroad for medical and dental professionals, as well as students, and non-medical volunteers with any level of experience.

Prison life is extremely difficult. Since 2004 we have worked inside the Honduran prisons not only with gang and ex-gang members, also within the local prison populations.
Growing closer together with others of faith is important in strengthing your connection with others within and outside of the church congregation. Your mission outreach will help foster these groups.
Give the gift of education. Give the gift of hope. The "One Child School Sponsorship" program linking individuals in the United States with a child from Honduras.
Life Skills
Helping the people to develop a pathway to a better life by learning entrepreneurial skills by learning how to manage money, communicate and start small businesses.

Current Opportunities That Need Support

Joining Hands To Help The Need Of Honduras

Some recent trip profiles

We have various on-going and short term projects where you can serve.  Please prayfully consider joining an upcoming trip or donating to a project.
Border Buddies Projects

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We Need Your Help!

When Mike and Glenda answered God’s call to become missionaries, they did so without having any mainline support, such as denominational or missions group support. Mike is a powerful speaker and an evangelist, and after speaking at numerous local churches, and to the many friends he made in the various ministries he was active in, they felt they had enough support to go to the “field”. They sold nearly everything they had, bought their tickets and moved lock, stock and barrel to Tegucigalpa in February 2004 all by themselves to begin life as full-time missionaries. Their only support is through family, friends, and others who have covenanted to help them in this work. Would you prayerfully consider supporting them, too?

Together We Can Make A Difference

The future is waiting and together we are seeing that the work our mission teams have completed are seeing the ‘fruit’. Click on the video link below to hear a short message from Brad Hinman, our Vice President, given at the 2020 Brunch, as we look ahead the the goals and needs for our 17th year in Honduras.

Impacting Those In Need

The primary focus of our ministry is to provide assistance:

        • To help those from heading down a road that leads to prison
        • To help those who are in prison not to make the same mistake
        • To help those who leave prison to continue on to help their own community.

What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone?


God’s Way and Purpose

God’s Way and Purpose

How Can We Stop Those Entering In?

How Can We Stop Those Entering In?

How Can You Help?

How Can You Help?

Minister to Prisoners and Gang Members

Minister to Prisoners and Gang Members

Exit of Prisoners

Exit of Prisoners

What People Say ?

Border Buddies Partnerships

Stronger Together