Heidi – A Very Special Graduate

5 December 2024 Comayagua, Honduras
Heidi comes Comayagua the (squatters community where we have served for 15 years)

Heidi graduated Friday, November 28, with a degree in computers. We remember her when she was a little girl and very shy. She was entering 7th grade. We asked her if she wanted to be sponsored by the ministry. At first she was skeptical. Why? She wasn’t sure if she could make it. She comes from the poorest of poor people in Honduras and the majority only make it to 9th grade. However on this day all of us gave glory to God and for His will to be done. Heidi graduated with a 95% over all average. She is a young lady on her way and equipped. Praise Jesus!!!
Michael and Glenda Miller
Missionaries for Border Buddies Ministries Inc.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras