2024 Graduation Ceremony at 21st of October Institute

4 December 2024 – Tegucigalpa, Honduras
What a special and remarkable day this is!!! Here are photos from the graduation ceremony at the 21st of October Institute in Tegucigalpa. Many thanks to the sponsors who have carried these youth through the years to see them to completion. And many thanks to those who have picked up some of these youth just in the last couple of years. With their graduation certificate they will be able to get better paying jobs than those who don’t have a high school diploma. Many of these graduates will continue their education. Glenda was invited to be part of the dignitaries overseeing the graduation. That is a high honor. And Border Buddies Ministries is honored to be able to help these young people through our One Child Sponsorship Program. It couldn’t happen without you! God bless you.