Water Filter Ministry
Clean water is hard to come by in Honduras. Most people deal with a variety of intestinal issues like dysentery, worms and more because they do not have access to purified water. We can do something about this, because it is life-changing, especially for the youngest and most vulnerable. Very quickly their health improves and that improves their approach to life, school and family.

We have done something about it. Our WATER FILTER MINISTRY, led by board member Randy Lawrence, distributes roughly 400 filtration systems each year. A small short-term mission team comes to Tegucigalpa every September for a 10 day stay. The buckets, water filters and tubing are all purchased and prepared ahead of time, thanks to the generosity of many donors. Michael determines which communities we can reach, and then, rain or shine, the team does its best to get there and connect with the people.
Water Filter Team Report September 2024
Border Buddies Volunteers, Sid Spencer and Randy Lawrence, joined Mike and Glenda Miller for 8 days in September, to distribute water filters and Bibles to families in two mountain communities, outside Tegucigalpa, Honduras. A total of 473 filter kits, most with an accompanying Bible, were distributed throughout the trip. This happened along with the preaching of the Word, worship, and prayers for the needs of individuals and the community, led by Mike.
As is sometimes the practice in the mountains, a number of families shared some of the produce from their gardens with the team, as a “Thank You”. These gifts were accepted and passed on to needy families in the Comayagua Squatters Community that the team also visited.
Mike and Glenda’s work in Comayagua continues to thrive with both adults and children benefiting. The focus in Comayagua is on Bible Study, prayer and sharing the Word, and helping out with some material needs, within the community, including some student sponsorships for needy students.
Along with these team activities, Sid and Randy also had time to visit with the BBM sponsored school students that they individually sponsor. This, in some cases, included also visiting with other family members too!
It was a successful trip and both men are looking forward to doing it again, next year.
Here’s how you can help us purchase water filter systems – https://borderbuddies.org/donations/clean-water-program