Team #54
Making Change
JUNE 21 – JULY 1, 2019
Glenda and I want to first thank all those who donated towards the Work that this team was able to do in Honduras. Churches like Victory Highway and Local Businesses that worked together in collaboration to allow this team of 8 to do God’s work.

Our team was geared to make the change everywhere they went. Top photo left is our team working in Comayagua delivering Emergency Packets that contained band-aides, washcloth, toothbrush, toothpaste and so much more. Two special sisters in the faith Vicki Bowman and Joyce VanSkiver who made these emergency packets back in the States knew they couldn’t come down to Honduras this year but wanted to help by making these packets. They were a huge blessing to the people of Comayagua because the things they put inside these packets are things that the people cannot afford.
In the top right photo is where our team worked one Sunday in helping those in Choluteca with the need for clean water. They handed out 100 water filters to some of the poorest people in Honduras. This makes our total of 150 water filters to this community that was hit with Hurricane Michael in 2018. We are very blessed to be able to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ both in Comayagua and as well as Choluteca as seen in in the top two photos below. We had 5 Salvations and 3 Healings in the name of Jesus!! The three women we were praying over suffered from severe body pain to not being able to see, from suffering from migraines, all healed. Glenda explained how to use the water filter and explained the blessings they will receive in each of their homes. Think about this; on average a family has the size of 5 per family or more and this calculates to 750 plus people who will receive clean drinking water!!

Karen and our team members shared the Gospel by expressing it through Love, Hugs, and smiles by working alongside the Honduran people.

Susan Cotter has had and continues to have a passion for our sewing group of 20 women. Susan likes so many other women who come to Honduras love teaching, sharing new ideas and also continuing a friendship that continues to grow every year. Susan brought this year the idea of purses. Teach them how to make purses and then we buy them back and sell them in the States and all the gains go to BBM for the continued support of the ministry. It is a win, win project. Susan and the ladies are going gangbusters with sewing purses. They are being sold right now and the women are receiving orders for their small business. This is creating jobs and also encouraging our women as well.

Now to the hard-impacting work. Yes, there was construction work going on. Laying block and painting were the two main projects for this team. We are advancing at a good pace and it is being run by the Lord and His will by proving you can get a lot done with a small crew. Well over 900 blocks were laid and the painting was giving that finishing touch of completion of classrooms. Ashlynne who came on the trip to work alongside mom (Karen) in the mission field had another calling on her heart. She has a talent that she wanted to share and make an impact for a lifetime as seen in the above photo with the two butterflies. It has this Scripture:
Isaiah 43:19 “ See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.”
This is making a change in so many lives. Exactly what Jesus was asking of us. Take the Gospel into the World.
If you are interested in serving on a team please give us a shout and write to us via e-mail.
Please take this challenge to your church as well about Team Formation.
Thank you for praying and walking with us!! We couldn’t do it without you