Water Filter Systems for Families


Randy and Deb Lawrence had a goal in mind back when they started coming many years ago and that was to provide the people of Honduras clean drinking water. Back in 2018 we looked at what we were able to accomplish after 6 days of working on water filters and handing out over 400 systems.

Then we sat down and talked about 2019 and set a goal of trying to reach 1,000 homes with clean drinking water. Randy said, “do you realize how much money this is going to take to reach this kind of goal?” “Yes,” I replied, “and I think it is a great number to try to reach.
So, in 2019, because of the funds raise through the Lawrence’s, the Hinman’s, Al Erickson’s Birthday Challenge, and our ministry supporters – like you – we were able to supply 860 water filters!!! This is a value of $21,500 for the filters and $5,160 for the buckets that go with them. WE DO SERVE A BIG GOD!!!!

Randy and Deb came in August/September to work for another 6 days in Honduras. Far left photo is showing our accountability system. Each person who receives a water filter must write down their complete name, ID #, cell phone#, and signature to receive a filter.
This is so we do not have double dipping.

After signing in, Glenda starts explaining how to use, maintain, and any other instructions needed for the filter. The most important message is the Gospel the entire team represented while handing out the filters

In each filter/bucket system there was the Gospel of John and Romans with our ministry cell phone # so if any one wanted to contact us for spiritual help we would be available to help in any way we can.

This year for 2019 we have been taking our teams to Choluteca which is located 3 hours south of Honduras. It is the area where we have been working with in helping out the flood victims. Just in Choluteca we have handed out with our teams 300 water filters
Randy and Deb wanted to go back for one day and hand out 130 water filters. We handed out these filters in a public school while classes are going on. What we love about it is that we are able to share the Gospel with everyone by holding a revival. Yes, I get to preach to all those who are there. We see Salvations and Healing going on each time. This time was different. The group of people were split by half elderly and half young. When it came time for the altar call no one was moving. They kept staring at each other. Finally, 4 elderly people came forward. All but one was saved by the blood of Jesus. That man did receive Christ as his Savior, Praise God!! All four wanted healing. The 80 year old woman who came up first had severe pains in her back and legs and made it difficult for her to walk. Jesus heard our prayers and while I was praying over her, I said to Randy and Deb to grab her because she is being slain in the Spirit of God. We went to pray over the man standing next to her and he too went down. The others were overjoyed and started to come and receive healing. People started to come around the stage to receiving healing as well. When the two who were slain got up after 10 minutes, they shouted they were healed in Jesus name!! This is the heart of the Mission and why we are here. Seeing Jesus at work through the Holy Spirit is an amazing witness.

This is the Choluteca mission where we hand out water filters and see the Hand of God at work.
Yes, we didn’t reach the 1,000-water filter goal but we did help many. On the average of 5 people per home we calculated with the 860 water filters, over 4,300 people will be drinking clean water. That is amazing! God has moved so many hearts to be a part of this ministry. We just keep praying that many more will come on board and donate towards one filter ($45 per filter) so a family can have clean drinking water.
Thank you and Thank you Jesus for moving so many hearts, churches, Rotary Clubs, and people to give and receive the blessing.
You can help by donating to this very important ministry of clean water. https://borderbuddies.orgdonations/clean-water-program