Food Give Away in the Mountains

October 2020 – Food Give Away in the Mountains of the Valley of the Angels
Even though we are plagued with tons of news media full of bad news about how many deaths or how many people are infected with Covid-19, God reminds us in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Even though we live in a Third-world country with its problems, we know every country has their own circumstances and fears, with anxiety and fear being a relentless and common among all nations. These are two of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us as we found out while handing out food to this community in the mountains south of the Valley of Angels. In this photo is Pastor Antonio, from the Baptist Church, who has been working with us for many years handing out water filters, solar lights, Bibles, and much more that we provided to help his struggling community. His church is only five years old and is a church plant from Pastor Giron’s church.
We never visited this community before but gave those things to them with Love, Faith and the leading from our Lord to help. Back in the beginning of August the Lord spoke to me in my prayers and said, “Take food out to this community”. Glenda called Antonio and he was moved because this community has suffered extremely from the closure of the country and lack of work. Also, he has not been able to get out there to visit his congregation since the closing of the country last March.
Most of the homes there are like the one seen in the first picture. We have never met nor knew of anyone one in this community and as we started to visit home by home, I was led in the Spirit to pray over each person individually. The Lord spoke through me and He offered words of exhortation, prophesy, and healing of physical ailments and emotional as well. We would walk miles to visit these homes and would carry each 30 lb. sack of food with us. Each step allowed us to bond with the children and people in the community. It also gave us time to listen to God for what would come next as He gave His revelations for each home.

Typically, our paths looked like the one that you see here with Glenda walking down to a home to visit.
Not the world’s best path but we managed.

When we reached a one-room house, we were met with one of the Elders from Antonio’s church seen in the photo above. We were greeted and led through the kitchen area seen with this brother. I was glad to see the water filter still working and in great shape. I made a comment to him and he laughed and said, “Brother I and the entire community take care of the gift that God has sent to us.” Amen!! He led us to his sister who was having major ailments that didn’t allow her to walk nor do much of anything. The Doctors gave up trying to find a diagnosis for her. We laid hands on her and the Lord healed her. Praise the Lord!!!

This family lives at the bottom of one of many mountains. They came up to receive the food and prayer. Not one person has been reported to have Covid-19. But their anxiety was high. Their fear of not having the “daily bread” was constantly on their minds. Will they be able to work? When will they work again? Can they survive? When the Spirit of the Lord speaks, He offers comfort to all His children. Whether they left with a smile like this group or like others who were in tears, God spoke to them.

We stopped by a group of homes and this young man came out and followed us from a distance. He watched us work and never spoke a word. We walked by a home and there sat a woman who was screaming and speaking words of nonsense. Antonio passed by first and as I came closer, I stretched out my hand and asked the Lord to put peace in her. Glenda and Antonio’s wife were following. When I came back through the woman was sitting still and in peace. Behind her was a door that was open. I asked the lady, who was standing in the room, if she goes to church. Quickly she said , “No”, and asked us to leave. I asked her can we pray for you? She looked, then moved her head to say yes.
This was a move in the right direction. As we prayed the Lord gave me a revelation about this woman. I spoke to her and she would just stare at the floor moving her head in acknowledgment. I told her about Antonio’s church and asked if she would come when he opens. Unfortunately, as of today the church is still closed. While leaving I asked the young man in the photo where his mother was. A neighbor listening explained that his mother leaves him early in the morning and comes home late at night as she works in the city (Tegucigalpa). She explained that the neighbors look out for him and sometimes feed him. They also explained that the boy had a problem walking because of a problem with one of his legs. I asked him if he knew of Jesus. He said, “Yes”, he has heard of Him. I asked would he like to receive Christ as his Savior. He cried and said, “Yes,” and he wants to be able to go to heaven. We prayed over him and he is now our new Brother in the Faith! Antonio promised us that he will bring him to church.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Who shall overcome fear, tribulation, anxiety, anger, desolation, and rebuke the grip that Satan wants to put on us? His name is Jesus Christ, the creator of this world and how beautiful it is!!
The picture above was the last view we had with Pastor Antonio and his wife as he testified that he witnessed a day full of miracles and restoration to his congregation and community. God called him out there five years ago and he was going to give up this year because he felt he had nothing left. He felt that God was not responding to his prayers. He also confessed to us, “I never told you about the deep-rooted problems these people faced. I witnessed that God is alive and moving because he gave you all the information needed for each person.” We prayed over them on the road overlooking this valley.
Ezekiel 37:4-5 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.”