Construction Update 2020 – Part B

By Michael Miller

As I started to build two sections of stairs for this building I began to think about Jacob and his dream as he saw a set of stairs from heaven to earth. (Genesis 28:10-19) I kept in mind this dream and when I began to write this newsletter and looking at the image of this huge set of stairs and thinking to myself this is small in comparison to the set of stairs that Jacob dreamt about. I started to think more on this and started to see that we see God with mental limitations. Think about it. With all our problems in the world and in our lives we limit the capacity of God.
The big reason is, we seek to reduce God to the level of our intellect and that can be dangerous for our spiritual lives. Think about it. If God is at our level than He can only accomplish small things and with a limited power or strength. Why do we do this? 2Chronicles 2:6 “But who is able to build a house for Him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain Him? Who then am I, that I should build a house for Him, except as a place to burn sacrifices before Him?” If the heavens cannot fully contain Him how can we even try to contain Him with His Love, Comfort, Compassion, Direction, Vision, Guidance in the Hour, and with our Future? We as missionaries and children of God need Him for every day, for His providing, His direction and for His protection. God can build lives, just look at the impact He has on them. Do we know the presence of God? Can we feel it?

For every nail and every piece of lumber that I put into the ceilings on the second floor I literally thanked God for His provision. I felt His presence.
Two large 30’x30’ classrooms were framed and will be ready for sheetrock.

This is the hallway framed in.

God said, “let there be light and there was.” Well I said to Carlos we need lights and we now have them. Wouldn’t it be so easy to just say let there be light in someone? The light of Christ. You are shaking your head saying, “Yes, that would be nice.” Again, we cannot limit God. I remember an English Pastor who had 30 friends he started to pray for that needed the Salvation of Christ. At the beginning each friend started to receive Christ as their Savior. However, towards the end of his life he had one more friend and he thought to himself it has taken me all my life to pray for each of my friends and still I have one more. Before this Pastor breathed his last breath his last friend from the 30 received Christ. Everything is in God’s timing even Covid-19, even children being born and to those going to their grave. Everything has its time. Ecclesiastes 3.

You’re are looking at this picture and wondering why in the world is this here. This was our make shift bathrooms for 4 years. We had 4 stalls for more than 1,000 students plus faculty. We were waiting on the construction of new bathrooms that were provided by the Honduran government but at their time. At this very spot was a flower garden. We were so glad to get rid of the sewer lines, the toilets and the smell of waste.
I hope when we reflect on our lives, do we look with deep intent and with the senses that God has given us? Sometimes we can smell things that are like human waste. Satan has mastered you with some sin. Sometimes we can smell the beautiful aroma of flowers in our life. This is fully relying on the promises and purposes of God. This all depends on where we are in our faith. Jacob thought that God needed his help to fulfill His purposes in this world and for the future of Israel. We do the same, Amen? All we need to do is not worry about if we are being used by God but to just fall into His arms and rely on Him for everything.

The last photo is the climax! As I was praying and thanking God each moment throughout the day I kept saying to the Lord, “It would be nice to have a roof installed so we can continue working and also it will be one of the last big hurdles to overcome on the construction phase. I arrived home and just finished dinner when I received a phone call. “Hey brother”, I heard, “what do you need?” I laughed and said we have needs in every phase of the ministry as well as the construction. He said, “The Lord told me to call you and tell you to build a roof for those two classrooms!”
Only God can speak to hearts like yours. Only God can perform miracles as we have witnessed throughout the 16 years of ministry. Like giving sight to the blind, healing those who were lame or sick, curing cancer and other forms of illness, casting out demons, healing hearts that were broken and so much more. Only our Jehovah can do this. So many lives have been touched from coming down on team or those who live here in Honduras. That touch is the Hand of God.
Can God connect us with a spiritual ladder that feeds us daily?
Do our daily provisions come from the Heavens?
I hope this has exhorted you to seek God in a much deeper and relying-on-Him way.
God bless all of you that continue to hear the voice of God and act on it.