Our Sponsored Children Are Taking Classes from TV – 2020

The picture above is how school always used to be. But not anymore.
Throughout the 16 years we have been here in Honduras serving our Lord Jesus we have never experienced a complete shutdown of a country. We did go through the “Golpe de Estado” (an attempted political coup) in 2010 when the National Congress took over the country and threw out the President. That time was very similar to this but we had the freedom to move around at our own risk. The Covid-19 has changed many things for the entire world. We have received e-mails from our Sponsors inquiring about their sponsored child/children. This newsletter is for everyone. We are very impressed with the Department of Education and the Government for taking action immediately. They organized a schedule for Honduran students to take classes at specific days and times from using our local TV channel.

The above picture is the teacher speaking live and giving Spanish classes. The theme is about paragraphs and sentence structure. They have a lady at the bottom corner of the screen signing sign language for those who are deaf. In the photo above is an announcement o what homework is required from the student. The student then sends in their homework to their teacher via WhatsApp and Facebook through their parents’ cell phone. This is a great way to keep the classes going for the students.

What we do know is that the country will be opening up in phases and school will be the last phase. I personally believe they will open schools in the middle or the end of June. When the schools do open each student must come with a mask and hand sanitizer. Upon entering the school, they will have to clean their shoes with a mixture of bleach and water. They will also have their temperature taken. All are guidelines that we are following as we enter supermarkets, banks, hardware stores etc. If you would like to check out a 20 second video and witness the classes on TV please check out our web-site and or Facebook page. So, yes classes are being given. Yes, the students will be going back to school. And yes, your child/children have a long and hard road ahead of them in making up for tests and in class time. Some talk has been circulating and stating that classes will go into January with a small two week break and then kick off the 2021 New Year. This is not on paper yet. Please continue to pray for all the children of Honduras. It is a scary time for them and the smaller ones just do not understand the depth of this virus.
Now some Praise Jesus news!!

This is a photo of Bryan Colndres who was sponsored by Pastor Bill and Linda Vallet. Bryan is one of our first group of sponsored children. He graduated from 12th grade in 2012. He is now on a local TV channel hosting a sports section. We happened to be watching this channel and waiting for our daily briefing from the President of Honduras when Bryan came on. We are so very proud of him and how well he spoke and looked comfortable on TV. He still lives in the Barrio Rincon with his family. One cool thing was that he used to be part of my youth group in 2010-2011. He left to focus all his energy on his studies and it paid off!! Can you imagine where or what your sponsored child will become? God is moving even in these crazy times. Our Sponsorship program is still going. The youth are keeping in contact with us and are anxious to get back and worship Jesus!! Romans 8:31 “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”