March 2021 Update

Dear Sponsors;
Glenda and I wanted to send all of you some quick updates on the ministry. We will have a bunch of Newsletters coming out after Holy Week. Here in Central America it not celebrated like in the States. Most go to their home towns or to the beach and use the week for vacationing. Before we use to try to go to the prisons or to towns and Evangelize and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But most didn’t want to hear the message so we have dedicated this week in Prayer, Reflection, Study and also sending out messages via WhatsApp and also in person like Comayagua this past Saturday. In these ways we are getting the message out that Jesus is coming back for all of us, Praise God!!!
Sponsorship:We are currently at 326 sponsored children. This is an increase and our highest amount of sponsored children since we started the program in 2005. We are looking at graduating over 70 students with an Associates Degree for 2021.We have sent out last week all the Packets to our Sponsors like you that contains a photo(s) of your sponsored child/children, letter from the child, and a letter from us. However, the current state Honduras is in and the financial crisis has delayed the packages from arriving to your door until 2 months from now. Lord willing it will come earlier and all you can enjoy your Love packages. Glenda and I still can use sponsorships and it is never to late to send in a sponsorship form to help out a child. Please go to our web-site and pull a form from there. You can also pay for your child on line as well with your credit card.
Students are not studying in a classroom setting. They are taking classes on line via Zoom, TV, or some are receiving classes from handouts that the parents must pick up.
Construction:We have finished the 21st of October Junior/Senior High School!!! The school looks and feels like a private school or some have said College level. The enrollment has gone up so much that the school had to add another set of teachers. We have started another new school and have made a lot of progress. We are preparing for Construction teams for late this year and also for 2022. If you are interested in being on team please e-mail us: mjgm2004@yahoo.comWe have a team forming for the beginning of August and one at the end of August/SeptemberWe also have a Medical Team planned for October 7-17, 2021 Dr. Bob is looking for Nurses, Dr.’s and non medical to be apart of this team. Please email us if interested.
We will be sending out newsletters on all the progress we have made this year on the new school. You can check us out on Facebook and receive all of the weekly updates that are posted.
Comayagua:The children in Comayagua at the squatters land, the majority are missing out on another school year. Many reasons are due to no electricity, no internet, and no cell phones. The government has not come up with a solution for these very low income areas in Honduras. So, we have started one month ago a Bible workbook study with all 168 children. We have collected all the information on each child including age, grade, able to read or write, whether or not they are going to school and more. Each child must complete a certain section from the workbooks which stimulates them to read, write, and learn about the Bible. We return every 2 weeks and review all the work books from home to home. Since we vaccine has not rolled out yet in Honduras for the general public and only for medical and government employees (military, firemen, police etc.) We are limited to groups of 10 or less. Unless the group is all family. We have seen so far great progress and the children are loving to be able to have homework and show their progress. At the end of 7 sessions they will graduate to the next level. We will send out newsletters on this program as well.In April we will be kicking off three more irrigation systems so those who are farmers can plant 3 times a year their corn and beans. This will allow them to feed their families and sell some of their harvest. Please pray for this program.
Sewing Program:Glenda and I have been praying about when we can start this program up again. We are looking to the first weekend in May. We will keep all of you posted.
Youth Groups:Currently the youth are receiving messages via WhatsApp and not zoom because of the lack of internet time they have and are using for their Studies. Until the vaccine is rolled out we can not legally start the youth groups again. The Honduran Law reads groups of 10 or less are allowed and if they are bigger must be held in outside setting with ample space for social distancing. We are looking into how we can overcome this as our youth are in need to hear the Gospel and also receive support.We will keep all of you posted.
Other Updates:The ministry has received donations to build two homes for the Hurricane relief effort for the south. We are waiting upon the Government of that town to Survey the land and put the plots of land into the names of those who will receive new homes. We will not start building until the lands are deeded over. The other issue is that it is election season and the officials are not in much of a hurry because they are more concerned about their votes. Again the poor person suffers. We are in prayer for Jesus to move them.
The country on a whole has a 66% below the poverty rate and at a living of $1.90 per day. Covid-19 and the two Hurricanes have done a number on the country. As I have mentioned that the vaccine roll out has only helped the Medical and government sectors. We do not understand why no more vaccines are coming our way when our neighboring countries are receiving the vaccines.
As a ministry we are working on fund raising events that are coming up. Reaching out to new churches for supportWorking on 3 new BBM Professionally made videos (3 min. long)Forming teams to come to Honduras. We have our monthly BBM meetings and spend time in the Word of God. We have two new Board members. Randy Lawrence who is our new Spiritual Director and Claire Ricketts who is our new Missions Director. Both are filled with the Holy Spirit and on fire to serve the Lord!! Please check out their Bio- and our entire Board at our Website.
We continue to pray for all of you.With our Love and Hugs,
Michael and Glenda Miller Missionaries for Border Buddies Ministries Inc.Tegucigalpa, Honduras