Team #27 – Penn Ave U.M. Church – May 19-June1, 2014 – Part 3

Craft and Water Filter Ministry

by Michael J. Miller, Jr.

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We always love to report the other side of the mission work that is going with our teams. That is our sewing classes that are held in the afternoons from 1pm to 5pm during the week days while the team is here. Glenda and I always admire in how the ladies from the teams bring new ideas for our women who live in the communities we work in.

This top photo the young lady is sewing a quilt that can be hung on the wall. In the second photo the ladies are showing the different ideas they came up with. I love the various colors and expression in how they see things. Especially the first quilt on the far left it has a soccer ball and player. The other project the ladies worked on in which I think is a really cool idea is animal faces made out of yarn. (seen in last photo) The ladies are taking the leftover project materials and are using them to make more quilts and other projects so they can sell them in their communities to earn more money. The thing Glenda did was she announced to the ladies to bring a friend. Well with this team bring a friend was not too popular because only two came. However when the Victory Highway team came in June the number grew and this turned out to be a blessing because these new students are now attending our tailoring class. Steeds were planted by the Penn Ave team and the watering came with the Victory Team. God works with all of our teams at home and in the mission field. This was a part of the vision God gave us back in 2004 that all the area churches would come together and serve Him in Honduras. We think it has ignited missions in our area in NY and other States.

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Deb and Randy Lawrence brought down 10 filters to clean the drinking water. So we made up a list of those who would be the first to try out the filter system in the Barrio Rincon. We set up an afternoon for the Lawrence’s to go with Glenda and Marvin to set up the water filtration system in 10 homes. In the first photo they blessed Pamela’s family. Pamela and her brother are sponsored by the ministry and have been in the program for over 6 years. Pamela is in 11th grade and she is a part of our girl’s youth group. Deb and Randy are with Pamela and her brother in the top photo. As you can tell the homes they went to are homes that are not too well off and are in need of safe drinking water. How does this system work you may ask. Randy purchased the filters from the states and then he purchased the buckets with lids here in Honduras. Randy then drills a hole in the front bottom part of the bucket and then connects the filter system to it. The people then pour the water that is from the tap or most cases from barrels or plastic jugs. Most of our Barrios like Rincon receive water once a week or in the dry season they receive water every 3 weeks. So using whatever jug or bottle a family can find to fill with water that comes from the street line to their homes. The water that comes is full of bacteria and is not safe to drink. The Hondurans drink the water but almost everyone needs to take medicine every month or 2 months to clean themselves from the bacteria. (seen in 2nd photo a young girl is pouring street water into the filter system) When the water comes through the system it is 99.99% clean and is clear from bacteria. In the 3rd photo Pablo is trying out the water and said that it has a better taste than the water from the street. Randy and Deb want to continue to set up homes with this water filter system in future visits. Everyone they have set this up for is very happy for the blessing.