Team #24 – Part 4 – August 2013 Victory Highway Wesleyan

Team #24 – Part 4 – Victory Highway Wesleyan

August 2013

By: Michael J. Miller, Jr.







The last Friday the team was here, was a jammed packed day full of celebrations. The team started out by saying good bye to the students and teachers at the Santa Margarita School. The Director with collaboration of the students and teachers put on skits, songs, and poems in thanking the team for all their hard work. The children also gave each team member a handmade necklace, letters and crafts to remember them by. The team was led to the computer room where the Teachers had a cake for the team. It was time to take final photos, speeches, and blessings. (as seen in the first two photos) We left for the Roberto Sosa School for the inauguration of the 2 new classrooms and the kitchen. In the 3rd photo the team sat in front of the 330 students to enjoy the celebration. In the last photo one of the teachers started the ceremony with prayer. Glenda and I were asked to sit at the Guest table in honor of what the Lord has done through Border Buddies Ministries. For us this is always is a time to worship God. How in being thankful, mindful, and grateful in all that was accomplished through all the hard work that each team member had to do in fund raising, sacrificing time off from work, personal sacrifice, and how their churches gave so much resources, prayers and support. We felt that we worshipped Jesus by dedicating in our hearts this celebration of making change to another public school in Honduras.








The celebration was filled with dances, speeches from teachers and the director. Each grade performed or spoke or sang something for the team. In the top photo the 6th grade class danced a Christian worship dance for everyone there. In the 2nd photo are teachers from a different school that came and danced a variety of folk dances for us. I gave a speech at the end of the ceremony to give thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all that He has done. I also challenged the parents and teachers to work harder for their children. I also challenged them to make the lunch program a success.

We then proceeded to the ribbon cutting ceremony to officially declare that the classrooms are ready to be used. (as seen in the 3rd photo) The school gave all of us a wonderful lunch and we were able to share some time with the Director and the District Director of 27 schools for here District. It was a moving day. It was a day of humility and shedding tears in not just completing a project but saying good bye to so many children that we have fallen in love with. Even when we started the lunch program the 4th grade classroom students would jump up and run out the door to give us a hug. Praise the Lord that the teacher doesn’t mind. She actually says, “God Bless you.”

So in turn we want to say, ‘GOD BLESS YOU!”

Thank you for all your help, donations and prayers to make this ministry a success.