Sponsors Needed for 2023 School Year
Invest in the future of a young person. Proven path for over 90% of students – higher academic achievement; positive impact on family; retention in Honduras.
Many times, in our lives we reflect during this Holiday Season and wonder why all the fuss about Gifts, Parties etc. It always brings us to the point of saying we need to get back to the reason for the season, JESUS.
You may be wondering what special thing you could do to make someone else’s Christmas extra Special.
We have a List of Youth who are heading into their 12th grade year who are in need of a Sponsorship so they can graduate. The costs for the 12th grade year for a child in Honduras is much higher than when they attend the other grades. Fortunately, our Sponsorship program covers all their needs when they receive a Sponsor.
We are looking for anyone who would be interested in Sponsoring a child for one year and give that Child the extra push they need so they can graduate.
All you have to do is e-mail us with intent to sponsor one of these Children so we can keep track of our list: mjgm2004@yahoo.com
We will then send you a Sponsorship Form to be filled out and send with your one-time check for $270.00 to our PO Box which is printed on the form.
Here is our List of Children already in 12th grade that are in need of a $270.00 Sponsorship:
Daniel Alejandro Mejia Posada Business Administration
Daniel Isaias Avila Rodriguez Business Administration
Luis Alexander Murillo Bonilla Business Administration
Anderson Samuel Huete Cardona Computers
Mario Orlando Hernandez Lopez Computers
Anny Beatriz Maradiaga Computers
Eleazar Uzziel Cerrato Vargas Computers
Mayra Yadira Castillo Flores Finances
Grace Johana Zelaya Finances
Karla Gabriela Rivera Elvir Finances
Osiris Marisela Salgado Garcia Arts/Science
Alizon Vanesa Salgado Gomez Arts/Science
Carmen Estefani Rodrigues Bonilla Arts/Science
Estefani Maricela Aguilera Flores Arts/Science
David Marcial Lopez Verde Arts/Science
We also have a very large list of children who are not in 12th grade but are in desperate need of a sponsorship and we are looking for anyone willing to sponsor these young children. We will then send you a Sponsorship Form to be filled out and send with your one-time check for $165.00 to our PO Box which is printed on the form.
1st grade
Jonatan Daniel Barrientos Valerio
2nd grade
Camila Lucia Castillo Gonzalez 99%
Erick Alejandro Milla Raudales 98%
Isaac Abraham Medina Sanchez 98%
Katherine Saddai Benitez Martinez 97%
Diego Gabriel Garcia Ortez 95%
Germayoni Jimena Mancia Gutierrez 94%
Jorge Mateo Lopez Carrana 94%
Camila Yasuary Sierra Munguia 92%
Oliver Giroud Najera Castellanos 90%
Angela Celeste Ochoa
Richard David Alcerro Ortiz
Fernando Nohemi Rivera Izaguirre
Yancarlos Martinez Martinez
Emly Pamela Herrera Sierra
3rd Grade
Alejandra Sarahi Rosales Gonzalez(100)
Carlos Alexander Pavon Elvir(98)
Heber Ariel Gomez Aguilera (98)
Alessandro Jafet Matamoros Montoya(98)
Kenneth Sebastian Aguilar Zuniga
Josue Andre Nuñez Vasquez
Ian Samuel Zelaya Amaya
Dereck Fabricio Carranza Martinez
Gustavo Adolfo Avila Villanueva
Ashley Solangel Carbajal Mendoza
4th grade
Alondra Jazmin Barahona Alvarez
Anthony Jonas Reconco Varela
Ariana Valeria Gonzalez Vasquez
Greysi Nicol Andrade Ulloa
Osmar Joezer Isasi Landa
Madeline Daniela Cruz Dominguez
Melanie Alejandra Palma Garcia
Jose Carlos Rodriguez Carcamo
Khristall Sophia Salinas Torres
Fayron Josue Hernandez Raudales
Sebastian Alessando Hernandez Matute
Valentina Nicolle Padilla Reyes
Emely Fernanda Palma Moncada
Johan Isaac Hernandez Diaz
Dana Sofia Cerrato Zuniga
5th Grade
Jose Gabriel Sanchez Betancourth(98)
Samara Kristen Lopez Ordoñez(92)
Angel Saul Galeas Castillo
Lia Josselin Giron Amador
Ihan Daniel Sorto Flores
Joel Alejandro Ordoñez Arteaga
Carlos Alberto Ordoñez Andrade
Ian Derrick Rivera Reconco
6th Grade
Axel Jonathan Reyes Alonzo
Cristopher Jafeth Almendares Ponce
8th Grade
Brittany Sharlott Herrera Avila
Alejandra Mabel Ramirez Marin
David Alejandro Cerrato Lopez
Antoni Jouse Zuniga Ramos
9th Grade
Valeria Maria Saazar Sanchez
Valery Sofia Midence Hernandez
Dariela Iveth Briceno Gonzalez
Kiara Marisol Elvir Oseguera
10th Grade
Milagros Anahi Cerrato Sanchez
Kathy Elizabeth Galeas Nunez
Jarvy Samuel Avila Cruz
11th Grade
Arturth Klein Sauceda Finance
Reichel Ledelin Alvares Finance
Ethel Jasmine Lopez Finance
Thank you for Extending the Love of Jesus to these Children in need of a Scholarship!!
Hugs from us,
Michael and Glenda Miller
Missionaries for Border Buddies Ministries Inc.
Tegucigalpa, Honduras