Jesus and the Bible – A Foundation for Better Education.
by Michael Miller, Jr., August 10, 2021
With 2020 closing all of the country of Honduras no one knew what was coming for the year 2021. Especially with the education for the children of Honduras.
As the year started the news was coming out that all the schools will remain closed until a vaccine would come. I sat with Glenda on our front patio talking about the children in Comayagua and throughout Honduras that do not have electricity, and do not have cell phones nor internet. What will happen to them? Lose another year because the government has failed to help the poor people of Honduras?
All that kept flashing in our minds was the hardship those 500 families faced. living in homes, seen above, in the hot 90-degree heat and with a path cracked, dry, lonely and feeling abandoned. Glenda and I prayed while on the patio and the Lord spoke. He said, “You go and give them an education.” Lord, “I said, how and with what?” Jesus guided us to go out and visit each home to gather information as to how many children live in each home, names of the parents, age of each child, grade they finished, and if they can read and write. (Which we tested as well)
Team A: consisted of Glenda and Aracely
Team B: consisted of myself and Carlos
We spent 8 hours collecting all the info.
This is an example of pages of information we received from each home in Comayagua. We promised to return by the middle of February with school supplies and books to learn about God and then later on help them with their education. What we found out was incredible.
Most of the children, for example, who said they passed 3rd grade could not read nor write. Yes, I am writing the correct information. They could not read nor write. The teachers passed the children so they can move them on and be “someone else’s headache”. What a disservice to the children and the parents. All these teachers were doing is ignoring the main point of going to school. Which is to receive an education. We were heartbroken, frustrated, and more determined to fix this problem. We need to spark the children to learn, to grow in their faith, advance with enthusiasm and become not a statistic but a reality of HOPE!!
Purchasing the school supplies was easy. However, finding Bible study work books for various ages in Honduras would become a task. God again led us to various Christian stores that helped us in the past but all with rejection because supplies have not arrived from the States due to Covid-19 and the closures. We kept looking to the Lord knowing this is what He wanted for His children. While still looking I said to Glenda, “we need funding to purchase all these school supplies and books. We prayed without asking anyone from the States. The Lord provided by moving various hearts to give us “seed money” for this project.
The response from the community was amazing. We have been working with the Comayagua community on this special project for 6 months and the children love the program.
Pictures speak volumes. Children who were not going to school. Not going to church. Not using their minds for bettering their future. Well, all of that has faded away. God said YES, where the world and Covid-19 said no. God opened doors for learning about Jesus and bettering their education. In May the 200 plus children breezed through the first set of Bible work books and wanted more. God opened doors for us to purchase complete sets that teach each child through 6 workbooks on the Old Testament. When that is finished, we will start them on the 6-workbook set on the New Testament. While that was going on in July, we started working with the children on refining their education and bringing them up to the level they have passed. This has sparked so much enthusiasm parents are now enrolled into our Bible study program as well as learning how to read and write.
Only God and the Holy Spirit could accomplish this. By 2021 they will be prepared for their new grade and with the foundation of Jesus Christ.
Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”