Mission Team #7 – Mar 2010

Every team has there theme and every team member has grown in some way when they come to Honduras. The theme with this team was Love. During our time in our nightly devotions the discussion was love. It wasn’t about how much we got done or how many lives were saved. It wasn’t about how much paint was put on the walls. It was about how much LOVE they received from the children. This team took with them an understanding of what Border Buddies Ministries Inc. is, does, and what its theme is; John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

The team did accomplish a lot. They completed projects and had time to play, enjoy and understand the children. At the close I always have communion and reflection. Stephanie one of our teenagers on this team shared her thoughts. She said, “I wished I could’ve expressed more to the children. There were many words that were on my heart and I couldn’t express them. She went on to say she said good by to the children and waved for the last time and she could only say adios.” Stephanie wanted to say much more as did each teenager on the team. They wanted to share with them how much they impacted their lives. How much they would be taking back with them to the states. These youth like the adults felt the love of Jesus in many ways and the bond they shared in LOVE. Harold said he felt the presence of Christ when the older boys from our youth group asked him if he would pray with them. This team had a huge understanding in what we do. They saw the difference between the El Barrio Rincon which has the Venezuela school in how the children are so receptive and caring in comparison to the Fuerzas Armadas School in which we are “breaking ground”. Time changes people and mix that with a huge amount of love it can change people for life.

We will be sharing 4 or 5 photo sending with you so you can see the progress that was made with this team.

This is team #7. The team consisted of 3 families and lots of youth ranging from 12 to 17 years old. March 18-28, 2010

While tearing off the roof I had an interesting conversation with some of the men who asked me what the name of the church we represent was. I explained that it was a ministry and what our focus was. The men said we are brothers then. Brothers I asked? Yes, Michael brothers by the family of Jesus Christ. They explained they want to help in any way they could in the future. What a blessing.

With every group the Schools love to say good bye and send them off with a huge Thank you. This team was able to experience it twice sense they are the first to work with two different school projects. The above photo the kids that were dancing for us had an opportunity to pull us out and we would dance with them. We had no clue what we were doing.

We believe that the children that are blessed by this team and all of you by your generous giving, Love, and prayers.
We want to say thank to this team for there openness, and help not just with the schools but with translating letters, putting together the packets for our sponsored children, preaching at Giron’s church and but the most was getting a better understanding about BBM and all that we do.